retrieving Scdm using uv propoteis
Spectral slopes of the absorption coefficient of colored dissolved and detrital material inverted from UV-visible remote sensing reflectance(Wei et al., 2016)
A new algorithm to retrieve chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption spectra in the UV from ocean color(Cao and Miller, 2015)
A model for remote estimation of ultraviolet absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter based on the global distribution of spectral slope(Swan et al.,2016)
Pan-Arctic distributions of continental runoff in the Arctic Ocean(Fiche et al., 2013)
Algorithm development and validation ofCDOMproperties for estuarine and continental shelfwaters along the northeastern U.S. coast(Mannino er al., 2014)
Retrieval of phytoplankton and colored detrital matter absorption coefficients with remote sensing reflectance in an ultraviolet band(Wei and Lee, 2015)